Today’s world is far from the wild west, but bank robbers are still rampant and constantly after your money. The only difference is there tactics are far more technologically advanced. Criminals gain access to your bank account via ATM machines and some sneaky skimming of your money. These criminals use a combination of advanced card readers attached to the machine to capture your card information and small hidden cameras to snag your pin number. These cyber criminals then sell your information to third parties who copy your card and drain your account. This billion dollar bank robbing business is growing every year.
To help you protect your pin, card and money, here are a few tips to blank the cyber bank robbers:
- Slight of Hand – Always make sure to cover the number pad with you hand when entering your pin. When it comes to breaking into your bank account, the cyber criminals will have no luck with no number.
- Attention to Detail – Scope out the ATM before using it. Does anything look out of place or like it doesn’t belong? If there seems to be an “extra” piece of machinery, see if you can remove it. Because it most likely doesn’t belong. If there is excessive signage, mirrors or other “attachments” on the machine, then just avoid it completely.
- Watch Your Back – This is an ATM tip that has been around as long as the machines themselves have, and it still applies. Do you best to avoid an ATM that is located in an isolated location, or an area with poor lighting. And if you find yourself in that situation, keep alert of your surroundings.
- Don’t Stall to Make the Call – If an ATM looks like it could be a threat, or that criminals have possibly tampered with it, then let the necessary officials know. Don’t hesitate to notify the bank and law enforcement officials right away.
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