Bring Your Own Device or BYOD policies are a great tools for employees and a money saver for companies, but it can also be a risky policy if not conducted properly. Mobile devices and a BYOD policy in the health care field can allow professionals to easily transition workflows, boost productivity and improve communication. The major issue with a BYOD policy in this field is the risk of security breaches leaking personal information and medical records of the patients. This is not only a concern for the hospital and its staff, but it has also shown to be a major concern among patients and the public. Here are some tips on how to ensure your BYOD policy, employees and vendors stay HIPAA approved:
Everyone Is On The Same Page
When it comes to security and responsibility expectations, make sure you have a clear set of rules in line for your employees, staff, vendors and other members of your business network. If anyone in these groups is using a BYOD policy, ensure they are under a strict guideline of security protocols and are meeting expectations according to your HIPAA compliance program. Make sure your staff, vendors and sub vendors are all clear on security requirements and have a clear understanding of the steps and responsibilities that are to be taken in the circumstances of a security breach.
Better Safe Than Sorry
Don’t skimp on security protocols when it comes to private and sensitive information. Ensure that all devices that are in use and hold hospital records have two forms of security walls. The first can be a generic login where hospital staff can use their general credentials to gain access to log in. The second stage should contain a secure pin that is assigned to each individual and changed regularly. This pin should also be set to request re-entry if a device has been idle for a certain amount of time. If any devices should go missing, you must have a strict requirements that it be reported immediately and have a team in place to wipe the device clean before it can be breached.
Set The Standards
Not all apps on a device are up to the HIPAA security standards and encryption requirements. This means you should regularly monitor and audit the devices to ensure there are not apps, programs or breaches putting information at risk. This also means constant monitoring and updating of security programs. Don’t wait when it comes to updating security software on devices. The day or two you wait may be all the time a hacker needs to steal the information.
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